Plugins in Adobe XD

Plugins in Adobe XD

Today's our topic is Plugins in Adobe XD So let's start Today we will talk about talk about few plugins You can work speedily by making use of these plugins You can save a lot of time.


1.  Icon for design

it's basically a plugins, where you can find lot of designs under Type “Home” and you can see lot of home icons once you click on it and you can bring these icons on your artboard these are all SVG based icons hence you can increase the size up to large extent and it won't be blurry you can change the color there are lots of icons available you can type anything type setting It will displays so many icons Click on it, it will be displayed on your page You can see I have picked Headphone Voice/Mic You can change the color appropriately You can save lot of your time by picking this plugins You can get lot icons here You can save a lot of time.


2. We have name is Lorem ipsum

Incase if you want to text in some files you don't need to type it You can follow this procedure Create a rectangle Fill With > Place “Holder Text Select Text Click Insert You can select font as per your own style You can set the line height Follow the same process show in the article.


3. Photosplash2

This is also a very good plugin As an Example – You can search here any image such as Mountains image It will show a lot of images Create a rectangle Create multiple copies select all rectangle select the images from plugins and click on apply for photos You can see how quickly it is being fixed within the Artboard You can search anything You can experiment here as per your wish select all and apply These plugins are very helpful and time saving you no need to go on any website for search for images You can simply take the images from here.


4. UI Faces

This one is the best one Incase if you want put some pictures in any of your app Click on UI face and you can find If you click on select photos it will display the photos Incase if you want randomly click on apply randomly The random photos will appear on the screen as shown in the  article You can create as many as you want Create multiple circle select all and align then click on Apply Randomly This plugins will also be very helpful in case if you creating or thinking to create such as this one You don't need to go on any website just use this plugin.


5. Undraw

This one is also a good one This is known basically for illustration In case if you want to make use of this as there are many to pick You can take anyone of it Just an example I select one > I clicked on it > done Right click > Paste Resize it Change color as it is a SVG based so you can play with colors Another Example I took the phone with girl image > click on the image > Click Done Resize Change Color .


6. Quick Mockup

This one is also the best one and basically used for wireframe Incase if you want to make a wireframe or mockup You can simply go on the template option and you can find as per your suitability by clicking on it you can easily create a mockup You can also change the text This is easy process and you can save your time no need to draw anything There are also template for web There are some elements and components there as an example input field label You can increase or decrease the size You can make it Primary You can also change the state sizes also there You can change the icon as per your own suitability you can also change the text You can see how speedily work can be performed.

7. Vizychart

What it basically it does? Incase if you want to make a chart Create a circle Go to column > Create Go to Ring > Create Incase if you want to make a chart or graph you can easily do with the help of Vizy chart.


8. Wireframe

This one is also used for mockup only You can see the sign up page here It's readymade, which you can take and start working upon Onboarding page also there If you want wireframe quickly You can use this plugin You can change the content (appropriately as per your requirement) You can change your color You can easily perform your work in speedy way by making use of this plugins Well, these were few of the plugins with us and with the help of these tools you can speed up your work.


There are more plugins available such as bullet, Arrange for XD etc Arrange HD (How does it work)? Suppose that - you have several objects You can select all, Go to arranger - circle you can play with these settings This is also a helpful plugin You can check and perform your work according to your suitability There are some others plugins also but i am using About Google Sheet - I have already discussed Hope you understood today's concept .