Dark Mode in Figma

Hello guys welcome to the fairy designer in this article, I’m going to show you guys how to go ahead and switch from light mode to that mode.

On Figma so as you can see currently I’m on my canvas and um I’m just trying to design a blog template, so yeah this is going to be a short article. So I’m going to show you guys how to go ahead and switch from the light mode to the dark mode and how to switch dark mode to light mode. 


So I’m currently as you can see right here on my screen I’m using the Figma desktop app, okay and if you're also using the browser you can also do the same thing.


So all you need to do is if you are actually on your Figma dashboard. This way I think my dashboard is going to look like and the next thing you want to do is so you can come to this profile you come to this profile icon.

You can see your menus and so more you come here you can see all your stuff.


So the best way for you to go and um change, this is to open a file and open any of his file and your universe any of your design files and if you haven't created any design file.

You can create a new design file and once with a new design file you're going to be on this kind of something that just looks like this and the next thing you want to do is to tap on this Figma icon.

So once tap on the segment icon you're going to see drop-downs come to preferences.

Once they come back to preferences come down to them as you can see right here come down to temp, then I can change it to dark mode.

So I’m on that much more dark mode already so i can change it to light mode and then let me see I’m jumping back to dark mode.

I can come back to preferences again and scroll down to temp and change it to dark mode, okay.

So that's pretty much how you can quiet and switch from light mode to dark mode and Figma is actually in this article guys kindly subscribe to the channel because you don't want to miss any figma articles and thanks for reading. Don't forget to subscribe bye for now.