If you’re a regular blog reader, you already
know how much I love and use Adobe XD when I’m designing my website mockups. Now,
I’m going to be giving you an engaging look at the design and prototyping
software so you can see how truly awesome it is. Adobe XD is available for free
download on both MAC and PC computers. Be sure to visit my blog, to read the
article for this tutorial. Now, let’s get started. Simply put, Adobe Experience
Design is a vector design software used for prototyping and designing apps and
websites. So, if you’re a UX designer or web designer, this is the app for you.
Adobe XD is now my go-to software for when I’m designing for the web. By the
time you’re done watching and following this introductory tutorial to XD, it
might become your go-to design app too! When you first open Adobe XD, you’ll be
presented with the program’s welcome screen. On this screen, you’ll notice that
there are several ways that you can open up a new document. You can either open
up a custom sized artboard, open a recent document, or use a predefined artboard
size. In this case, the predefined artboard sizes are for an iPhone, iPad, or a
standard web browser. You can also open User Interface Kits (UI Kits), based on
Apple, Google, and Microsoft. For this tutorial, let’s open the “iPad” artboard
size. The Adobe XD interface is very minimalistic.
There’s nothing overwhelming or
confusing about it. That’s why I like it. The left-hand side of the interface
is the toolbar. This is what’s included in the toolbar: The select tool, shape
tools (square, circle, lines), pen tool, text tool, Artboard, Zoom tool. The
very bottom of the toolbar has the symbol library and the layers panel. The
right-hand side of the program contains the appearance panel where you can
align objects, use several tools similar to Adobe Illustrator’s pathfinder,
resize objects, set opacity, and more. Now, let’s try out some tools to get
more acquainted with designing in Adobe XD. First, let’s type a title for our
artboard. I’m just going to type “Artboard #1” but feel free to get more
creative. I also want to change the font family, so I’m just going to head on
over to the right-hand side panel and in the text panel, I’m going to select
“Source Sans Pro”. Right now, the default font size is also kind of small, I
want to increase the font size. You can either select the object and drag to
resize it, or go to the Appearance panel and make more precise resizing
adjustments. So those are the basics of the type tool, let’s try out the shape
First, select the circle shape
tool and hold the shift key while drawing it on the artboard. This will
constrain its proportions so that you can draw a perfectly proportional circle.
Now, let’s add some color to the circle—I’ll be using a nice teal color (#68E2E2).
So now that we’ve drawn our circle, let’s do something really cool with it
using a great feature in Adobe XD. By hitting command + R or selecting the
“repeat grid” button in the appearance panel, you’ll be able to make duplicates
of any object. Just drag out the green tabs on the right or bottom of the
object and watch the magic happen. Symbols are objects that you intend to use
multiple times on your artboard. To create a symbol, open the symbol library
(located at the bottom of the toolbar), select an object on the canvas and
click the “+” icon. To remove a symbol, simply right-click on the symbol and
remove it. Any changes you make to symbols will be changed in real-time on the
The layers panel is pretty
straight forward. But the cool thing about it is that it automatically changes
to suit the artboard that's selected. Another great feature in Adobe XD is the
prototype workspace. The “design” workspace is the default workspace in Adobe
XD. To get to the “prototype” workspace, just select the link located on the
top left-hand side. In this workspace, you’re able to connect your artboards to
make them interactive, like you’re navigating an app or website. Here’s how you
can make your designs interactive—first, select the first artboard that we
created (the teal circles) and connect it to a second artboard by drawing wires
between each artboard. You’ll then be able to select the transition effect and
speed of the transition. To preview, click the play button at the right-hand
top menu bar. Sharing your designs with your team or your clients online is now
easier than ever before. By clicking the “Share Online” button on the top-right
menu bar, you’ll be able to generate a unique link address that you can share. You
can even embed your design onto your website or blog. Conclusion I hope you
enjoyed this tour of Adobe XD and learned some of the basics this application has
to offer. Give this article a big thumbs up if you liked it.
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